Florence Travel Guide

Palazzo of Bargello

Built in 1255 as the seat of the Capitano del Popolo, the Palazzo of Bargello in 1574 became the home and living quarters for the Bargello, captain of justice, or chief of police. The building was used also as a city prison. Bargello

The exterior of the building is made by cornices, has lintelled windows in the lower part and two-Iight openings or simple windows further up. The crenellation at the top juts out supported on small arches and corbels. The interior is centered around a courtyard with porticoes on three sides, with piers and arcading.

A nicely covered staircase, built in the 14th century by Neri di Fioravante, leads to the upper loggia, by Tone di Giovanni.

Since 1859 the piace has been the site of the National Museum of Bargello (Museo Nazionale del Bargello), one of the most important in the world. Inside, the ground floor has now been converted into an armoury with glass cases containing harquebusiers, pistols, sabres and suits of armour. On the upper floors is a rich collection of sculptures, amoung which The Young David and St. George by Donatello.

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